Veterinarian Service
Pet Digital Radiology Veterinary Service in Lima, OH
At Heidt Veterinary Hospital, we want your pet to be healthy from the inside out. Digital Radiology can alert your veterinarian to problems that we can’t see from the outside.
Pet Digital Radiology
Heidt Veterinary Hospital welcomes you. Skeletal and soft tissue studies, as well as specialized contrast studies, are all part of our radiology services. Call us today to learn more about our digital radiology services.

Pet Digital Radiology
Heidt Veterinary Hospital provides digital radiology services to assist in the diagnosis of your pet. Digital radiology creates images of the inside of your pet’s body by using high-frequency sound waves. Without the use of traditional film-based x-rays, our doctors can obtain a clear and concise image of your pet’s internal organs and systems using this cutting-edge technology. This non-invasive procedure is used to diagnose a wide range of conditions such as broken bones, heart problems, and cancers. Digital radiology not only saves time but also exposes your pet to less radiation than traditional x-rays. Digital radiology is non-invasive and does not require sedation, making it a safe and convenient way to ensure your pet’s health.
Veterinary Services
Below are all of the veterinary services we offer at Heidt Veterinary Hospital. If you have any questions regarding our services, please feel free to call us.